hey, here i am again~~ expressing some of my thoughts~~
humans are such fragile and yet unnoticeable creatures~~ and most of them won`t believe wat they heard, jz believe wat they see. even they know some of the thing, they will keep inside their heart, and later wat that keep inside their heart, will eventually cause a problem. I have some crush on someone, but~~~ i don`t have the guts to tell her about it~ i think this problem is same to most of the guys or girls~~as they scare after they tell their true feelings~something regarding the friendship might jz went bad to worse~~
but as time goes by, i started to think that if i really like the girl, but unable to make her happie, understand her, take care of her, and be close with her, i don`t think i have the rights to be with her. Such dumbass like me~~
since now maybe she can live happily^^ , maybe i jz let go her from my heart~~(hope i can do it like a tough guy)~~
well, all the best to u in your sweet life~~ and i will be sincerely wish u Happie forever and ever~~ and about the windows, don`t think negatively, the climbers has the will to choose, and the windows will eventually being climbed, Maybe the windows already opened for u jz to climb over it^^~~
is a holidayz and a very nice holidayz indeed^^
as a lot of event is coming by.
But, jz a moment, when i saw something during surfing internet, i jz found out some STUFF which i really CARE.
i don`t know why i so mind about it!!!!
it supposely to be a good thing, but i don`t know.
have u cried for something u can`t achieve for now and maybe forever?
i am a total loser in this case, i don`t appreciate the time when i had a tiny chances!! i am really a failure in this case!!
and now probably is gone!!
no chance at all.
but i do really wish that the "something" can be very happie and won`t have any trouble along the journey.
happie alwiz and do appreciate the nice chances given to u.
i probably don`t know how to express my thought. but got 2 thing wondering my mind,
1) awfully sad
2) wish the ppl in involved with the "something" will be happie and won`t have any problem.
it was my fault tat i don`t appreciate time that will pass any seconds any minute when i am typing this message.
time that can change a human perspective.
time that can even change from nothing to "something"
1st day, i really learn t a few things in this few days...
coz i was not really sure wat goes wrong with me and my mind..alwiz blur blur and not know wat i should do..
but i jz knew a few friends recently,and they really ticked me up with my mistake..i was wrong tat i kinda doubt them:p..
and really thanks a lot that i get to know w wide range of friends..
and its really is a miracle for a person with my "misbehave" can become a cool person with his own perspective and principles too..
i will get out of my mis-guided pathway, and find out a way of my own..
but till stick to the happie go lucky style:P
except i will try to become my self too...
sometimes, it really silly to think tat i can manage to make a lot of ppl like me...but then, wats the truth??
everyone should get to know the truth of each other regardless of their emotion, attitude, behaviour, etc..
STICK To OWN style!!!!!! gambatte in finding my self!!!!!!!!^^
today..really is an hectic day..
tomorrow is the day for me to finish off my finance..
and a few of FAR stuff:P..
lets gambatte coursemate...
jz posing for fun.
Hey, today don`t know why..XD
suddenly got the feel to pose something:P
this morning...after BAE exam..XD
then, i am a bit wondered off,eat dinner with my accounting pals:P
then, back to campus..XD
but for next, is actually wat i wish and it really sudden being realised....haha...
well, i meet with a bunch of new accounting friends which are taking same course, japanese sub.
It really is a fun thing to do as we chit chat a lot and i did a lot of silly stuff:P
Which maybe make them feel me as a weirdo..XD
But i feel kinda nice as i meet up my orientation long lost funny pal, ah wong:P
Haha....he really is a damn hilarious guy, can do a lot of things out of coverage..XD
And today while i was studying jap. Sub, i feel really motivated and powerful.... won`t get tired and sleepy AT ALL!!!
U know that, is at all!!!
Haha~~really is a miracle for the “fisherman without fishing in the sea”...
Wakakakaka:P..don`t know which source i get from:P
and besides that, i think that i really can get close with a new bunch of friends and chit chat a whole lot more:P..
as tomorrow is out jap. Exam, lets gambatte Oo!!!
Sure we can do the best!!!
ahyong and ah wong got chances lets go L4D2:P
Thx to all my friends, ah yong, shinyi, siangming ( for the great accompanying and guidance)..hehe..
And also to ahwong,airong,wendy (really nice knowing u all and chit chat around)^^
All the best to our finals!!!!!!^^
hey^^..today i am here again:P..
today is a damn boring day....rushing for physics notes....
watching some drama:P..and also i had cut my hair...
oh yeah, so ~shuang~^^
but then at night, actually is a boring night too, but suddenly got a 38 person say:"haven`t eat for some days dy"..i saw the person so charm:P..
then, i bring her out lor..XD..but, she is a real chatable girl^..^..
hahaha^^..fill my night time dy^^..
chit chat here, chit chat that^^..
all things also can chit chat^^..well, hope can chit chat with her sometimes^^..
neways, night is still young^^.but... felt a bit tired, but going to finish off 1 chap 1st:P..
2morrow need to pass to my friend Ooo^^..loi loi:P
me signing Off^^
today is my 2nd day of my after exam:p.
but then, some how, i feel weird..coz in order to like take care the feelings of my friend, then i need to pretend something..
well, in the same times,i feel weird bcoz firstly i am very okie and chatable with a friend i know from course..
but then i don`t know what happens???
seem like everythings goes wrong when i think too much and related every stuff...make me more paiseh to talk with the friend><
i damn hate this feeling!!!!!... but i really wanna be a good friend with tat ~weirdo~ friend..hahaha...
anyway, i am here jz to say out my feeling.. and hope every things will be fine in next sem..
enough of the EMO feeling..
well, 2 more weeks break is about to start for me to enjoy and learn new stuff in it^^
more over, i hope i can see new things in JB in my next trip with my friends..in nxt week^^..
btw, happie bufday to my jenjarom friend^^..
meaningful song^^
it`s me....its me with formal..XD..