hey^^..today i am here again:P..
today is a damn boring day....rushing for physics notes....
watching some drama:P..and also i had cut my hair...
oh yeah, so ~shuang~^^
but then at night, actually is a boring night too, but suddenly got a 38 person say:"haven`t eat for some days dy"..i saw the person so charm:P..
then, i bring her out lor..XD..but, she is a real chatable girl^..^..
hahaha^^..fill my night time dy^^..
chit chat here, chit chat that^^..
all things also can chit chat^^..well, hope can chit chat with her sometimes^^..
neways, night is still young^^.but... felt a bit tired, but going to finish off 1 chap 1st:P..
2morrow need to pass to my friend Ooo^^..loi loi:P
me signing Off^^
today is my 2nd day of my after exam:p.
but then, some how, i feel weird..coz in order to like take care the feelings of my friend, then i need to pretend something..
well, in the same times,i feel weird bcoz firstly i am very okie and chatable with a friend i know from course..
but then i don`t know what happens???
seem like everythings goes wrong when i think too much and related every stuff...make me more paiseh to talk with the friend><
i damn hate this feeling!!!!!... but i really wanna be a good friend with tat ~weirdo~ friend..hahaha...
anyway, i am here jz to say out my feeling.. and hope every things will be fine in next sem..
enough of the EMO feeling..
well, 2 more weeks break is about to start for me to enjoy and learn new stuff in it^^
more over, i hope i can see new things in JB in my next trip with my friends..in nxt week^^..
btw, happie bufday to my jenjarom friend^^..
argh!!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!.
jz come down here to say out some unspeakable stuff...><
well, today feel a bit weird about how things will go....
haiz... coz yesterday, don`t know what things happen to me??
talking rubbish in the my car, and cause 2 friends thought me as a freaking retardo...><
anyway, the weird feeling has pass through..
actually those weird feeling come from a feeling to towards friend..and it is kinda weird to see them chatting around without noticing me pulak!!!!!...ishhhh><
but maybe it is my probs??? acting coolz while driving the car..hahaha:p...
wah, a bit relieve after coming up here to blogging...a
actually i do really have a long time didn`t post out any new post, bcoz sometimes...nope.. is everytime, when i wanna post out somethings, there is a strong attraction saying to me...~don`t be such a fools, don`t waste ur time in here...~..nothing benefits from jz writing here...
but then i kinda realise it is a good way to express something><
Ooooo Yeah~~!!!!!
feeling so much better after spilling it out:P
2morrow management paper are going to~declare~ a fight with me.. i muz not fall in this battle with the ~paper~!!!!..
gambatte!!!!! all my friends^^
meaningful song^^
it`s me....its me with formal..XD..