today..really is an hectic day..
tomorrow is the day for me to finish off my finance..
and a few of FAR stuff:P..
lets gambatte coursemate...
jz posing for fun.
Hey, today don`t know why..XD
suddenly got the feel to pose something:P
this morning...after BAE exam..XD
then, i am a bit wondered off,eat dinner with my accounting pals:P
then, back to campus..XD
but for next, is actually wat i wish and it really sudden being realised....haha...
well, i meet with a bunch of new accounting friends which are taking same course, japanese sub.
It really is a fun thing to do as we chit chat a lot and i did a lot of silly stuff:P
Which maybe make them feel me as a weirdo..XD
But i feel kinda nice as i meet up my orientation long lost funny pal, ah wong:P
Haha....he really is a damn hilarious guy, can do a lot of things out of coverage..XD
And today while i was studying jap. Sub, i feel really motivated and powerful.... won`t get tired and sleepy AT ALL!!!
U know that, is at all!!!
Haha~~really is a miracle for the “fisherman without fishing in the sea”...
Wakakakaka:P..don`t know which source i get from:P
and besides that, i think that i really can get close with a new bunch of friends and chit chat a whole lot more:P..
as tomorrow is out jap. Exam, lets gambatte Oo!!!
Sure we can do the best!!!
ahyong and ah wong got chances lets go L4D2:P
Thx to all my friends, ah yong, shinyi, siangming ( for the great accompanying and guidance)..hehe..
And also to ahwong,airong,wendy (really nice knowing u all and chit chat around)^^
All the best to our finals!!!!!!^^
meaningful song^^
it`s me....its me with formal..XD..