well..dunno wat to write..but..wanna continue to write it.
i will start with 2nd week of my 3 semester break..
jz now i saw my friend writing blog about clubbing...actually i didn`t go to clubbing b4..maybe if have chance,i also have curiosity to try on clubbing..
thanks to her.. i can imagine how was it in a club which separate smoking and non-smoking area..
maybe i will try on when i have chance..hehe..
later in the afternoon, i will go to dataran pahlawan(for those not knowing it_it is a shopping mall) to but some new year shirt^^
haiz...tonight i think i will write something on here too:p
well...long time didn`t something write in the blog><
spend all the time in MMU, FBL lobby...
well..saying about the fbl block.. it is kinda creepy..and it is the most ~ancient~building in MMU..
so a lot stuff happening there...especially at night..kakaka....
this is some story told by the guard...
at night, there are no guard in the building coz too many creepy stuff like ppl crying or what..neways...the detail of it...i think it should remain mysterious... HIHI..
today studying pca in the fbl building, luckily have a guide who guide me for the pca subject...kaka...
if not...really is boring studying alone..and sleepy too..kaka...
well..tomorrow i have a meeting at night- for the Buddhist club...
and then hope everything can go on smoothly..
by the way, today i go to jusco to have lunch with my friend..then we really chat A LOT..about ~HUMAN~..no matter behavior or face expression..we can spot it out...we can think what are they thinking...we are mend to be psychologist genius
kinda late now..
going to sleep..
jason_signing OFF....
adios, amigos & sanjorita><
meaningful song^^
it`s me....its me with formal..XD..