today morning when i heard the dj talking about zac efron(HSM main character), i was really curious... but then the dj said he was being ambush by some fans of him... i thought it was a 14-16 years old girl, but to my shock, he was ambush by a 40 year olds man, DUDE... it was way too freaky... haizz... world this day is becoming weirder weirder><
well, today is my first day of the 2nd sem><
as i expected, kinda ok and interactive with the lecturer...for econ lecturer_is a funny with moderate sense of humor><
for english lecturer_ a serious face, but sometime looks like Mr.bean to me,hehe(because of his action and face expression)
Neways,i have a good impression for them..
tomorrow still have to wake up early, coz i have computer application>< haizzz.
good 9 everybody. zzzzzzz...
well, nothing much to talk about today><
haha... hope 2 morow will be a good beginning for this new semester><
today i go to ixora(mmu apartment) to find my friends, thought we will be overwhelmed and chit chat until don`t know the time is ticking, but it all happen oppositely(they all tired travelling) , haha... kinda weird.. but i think after a few more days, we will be `some sticking pals` again>< haha...
haizzz........ wanna slp la><
hi,long time didn`t come to wrote in here><
well,next week, i will start my 2nd sem><
this sem,for my econ class,my class(pm07) will combine with pm 08 & 09, hope i can coop up with them>,
for computer application,woah... really is a suck sub., coz it take away 3/4 of the 5 studying day.. have to spend a few hours in a day for it..
for eng,different lecturer different teaching method, hoope this 1 is good><
neways, for now, i still got nothing to spill out>< maybe after a few days, when i got some more inspiration, i can make better contents in the blog:p
today is my 1st day after my 1st sem. break, thought it will be fun...but it still looks damn boring...... coz not much activities can be done...maybe me and my course-mate isn`t really actual planing 4 the (after exam plan),isn`t running very well, coz most of them `fang aeroplane`....going back to hometown....lazy to come out..haizzz....well...hope tomorrow our plan will change my moody mood in our trimester break..... happy playing in genting & kl....haha...
hai.... i am jason...this i my first time writing blog.... just wanna join 4 fun.... hope this can my daily,monthly or even yearly(if i am lazy) haha... `diary`... and mostly i will surely write a lot of my stuff and interesting things in it...this week facing exam....kinda boring & nervous... writing this `blog` thing can helps me to relive somehow..... well,all 4 now....AnYwaZ... this is jz 4 intr€o....hope nxt time will have more..haha...........
meaningful song^^
it`s me....its me with formal..XD..